
About us

Being the first program in Thailand focusing on hazardous waste management, a clear distinction from the other environmental programs

The program, which was launched in 2000, offers master and Ph.D. degrees to students with a science or engineering background. An advanced and multidisciplinary approach is fostered as part of this environmental program, which meets international standards.

Collaboration with partner universities, both local and overseas, has made this program attractive and highly competitive for students nationwide and from other countries. The HSM has overseas partnerships for academic and research collaboration in various countries, i.e. New Jersey Institute of Technology, the University of Oklahoma, North Dakota State University, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and Iowa State University in the U.S.A.; Wageningen University in the Netherlands; Technical University Hamburg-Harburg in Germany; Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science in Taiwan, etc.

Qualified students enrolled in the programs have the opportunity to directly interact with foreign professors who teach courses in four-week modules together with Thai instructors. English coaching and close guidance are given throughout the year to ensure the progressive development of students in acquiring comprehensive knowledge of environmental management, which encompasses various disciplines in natural science, economics, and social and political science. Local, regional and global issues are incorporated so that graduates are internationalized and capable of bridging

theoretical and empirical frameworks to policy planning and practice. Essentially, thesis and dissertation research follows the research focus and framework of The HSM and is supervised by academic teams from partner universities and invited experts, in Thailand and elsewhere. Additional knowledge and experience are consistently offered to students by means of field trips, seminars, conferences and group discussions.

In addition, we have provided various kinds of scholarship for students who have good academic performance, for example tuition and fees, research grant, teaching and research assistantship, and accommodation support for students who do research at the regional partner universities.

Sample of courses offered annually: Environmental Management, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Environmental Chemistry, Fate and Transport of Contaminants in Environments, Environmental

Microbiology, Environmental Risk Assessment, Environmental Policy, Laws and Economics, Site Remediation, Groundwater Quality Management, Integrated Pollution Prevention, Environmental Analysis, Industrial Ecology, Environmental Quality Models

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